it's 4:41am and I have decided to create a "get healthy blog" inspired by my wife Jean...
she is an avid blogger... I on the other hand am not... I
can't stand reading however I love to write... well that seems like an
oxymoron... lol... anywho I feel that it is important that I start blogging to
support my sweet and dear wife for she is struggling hard with our new
lifestyle change. We have decided to start vegetable juicing as of June
10th... between now and then we will be doing the "Lemon Aid and Sea Salt Cleanse"... so
far I am hanging in there... I am on my 4th day amazingly enough I am feeling
pretty damn good... prior to starting I felt that my heart rate was extremely
high... now I don't seem to be winded as much after walking and I am not as hungry. Don't get me wrong... I do have taste-bud flares whenever I
am on FB and see posting of cooked foods... but I just have to stay
focus and condition my brain to the following words “I will not let my fat kill
have allowed myself to be trapped in this fat shell for over 17 years… and as
you can imagine that can be pretty damn depressing. I mean right now I am
basically carrying 22 bowling balls over my natural weight. That’s madness to
the highest level… I feel writing all my feeling and ideas will help me get
through this journey to get back to 200lb… and keep off the 22 bowling balls.
So I thank you for reading my blog and I ask that you pray for the success of our
journey to shed our shell of depression.
Honey I love you so much!!! I appreciate you so much!!! I'm so happy you are on my team and that I am on yours. We are going to do this baby!!! We have an amazing future in our midst. Country Life is coming our way and we have to be physical. I want us to be able to travel in a rv and we have to be smaller. I love you more than you will even know.